Monday, December 22, 2008

first day of winter break

yes, finally it's winter break.

so, today, my cousin, tracy, called to invite alex, veronica (alex's best friend), and me to go out to lunch with her. she has been dying to take us to tijuana flats, this cool mexican place, kind of like moe's, but much better.

tracy and alex ordered chicken flautas. veronica ordered chicken quesadillas. i ordered a veggie burrito. (i know, so predictable.)
by the way, here is my conversation with veronica about quesadillas:
veronica: can i get chicken AND cheese in my quesadillas?
chloe: yes, of course.
veronica: but, it says cheese here, and chicken there.
chloe: um, veronica, cheese is the main ingredient in quesadillas. it's the whole point of the quesadilla.
veronica: really?
chloe: um, veronica, queso means cheese.
oh, how i love veronica.

alex and veronica also got a few different kinds of sauces, including 'the triple x' hot sauce. well, i was eating my burrito, when veronica put a drop of the hot sauce on my tortilla chip. i was like "whatever, no big deal." so, i ate the chip with the hot sauce on it.
it took a few seconds for the hot sauce to take affect, but when it did, it DID. my throat litterly felt like it was closing up. my tongue was becoming numb, along with all of my mouth. except the heat of the sauce was still there. i downed my water in about three seconds. i ate every chip left on my plate. but the hotness was still there. i was panting and almost crying while alex and veronica took amusement in my pain. tracy was very simpathetic.
finally, tracy goes to wendy's, which is conviently located next to tijuana flats. she comes back with a vanilla frosty, milk, and crackers. (she's so sweet.) i just kept scooping ice cream into my mouth until the pain was bearable. then, drank some of the milk and finally the pain was gone. yes, i could breathe.
wow, i'm such an idiot. i'm never eating any kind of hot sauce again.

hope you enjoyed hearing about my painful experience at tijuana flats.

1 comment:

The Confetti Monster said...

aw, i did enjoy hearing about your painful experience but i'm sorry that it was painful! bad little girls they are! anyhow, love ya!