Wednesday, January 7, 2009

wonderful music

sorry, i haven't posted a blog in awhile. (that's to jacky.) life's been pretty boring lately.

i watched Penelope on pablo in study hall today. i love james mcavoy, who is practically the best part of the movie. so, the movie was reaching
the end when this really beautiful song came on. it was rock 'n' roll, but poetic and mystic like. i rewound the part over and over again to listen to the song more closely. there was another element to the song that was really different and i couldn't figure it out. it was a mystery. finally, the genius in me decided to check the songs at the end of the credits.
the band was Sigur Ros and the song was called Hippipolla. sigur ros is an icelandic band and they sing in their native language. sigur ros is actually named after one of the band member's sister, victoria rose in english. no wonder the song was a mystery because it wasn't in english. wow. i thought i was listening closely, but apparently i wasn't. so, i went on their myspace and discovered another song called vid spilum endalaust. it
translates to we play endlessly in english.
the english lyrics are almost magical. i mean the regular version of the song is beautiful, but the english is even better. here are some of the lyrics:

the days flowed, ever-young

endless, and the brightness
smoke stings the eye
it pops up in my head and now i remember it.

it's not hypnotic or up-beat; it's simply beautiful. it's not about love or broken hearts; it's about simple things. i love it. now, go check 'em out.

1 comment:

The Confetti Monster said...

yes, ma'am!
i shall look them up now! :)