Wednesday, December 10, 2008

first blog entry...

i'm chloe.
jacky wanted me to make a blog.
so, i did.

i have no idea what this blog is going to be about. it could be about my daily life, my thoughts, my ambitions; this blog could end up being about my evil cats. anything could happen. but jacky said that's okay because she just wants to hear about me when we're apart. and that's good enough for me.

i woke up this morning wishing today would end. for some reason i didn't wake up with the best mood. my hair would not cooperate; another day in a ponytail. i was running late for the bus, so i rushed (with alex dawdling behind) to the stop, but today the bus decided to be 10 minutes late. rushing for nothing. all of that plus my attitude set the tone for today.

but the day started looking up when my least favorite teacher chose today to be absent. her class was by no means easy, but it was pleasent without her unnecessary commentary on everything from my untucked shirt (she's like a discepline nazi) to my cute old navy flats (apparently they look to uncomfortable to wear.) then, third period was a big suprise because that class usually revolves around useless vocabulary and dim-witted girls who somehow were accepted into my college-level english class. my teacher divided everyone into groups of four for the rest of the year. i was pleased with my group because they're actually smart and clever. jeff dubbed us "quadrant four" and we now have a group handshake oddly resembling the handshake from rocket power. oh, and i was also called "wise guy" because i questioned our name and handshake, plus i made a few comments and jokes about it.
so, today we played jeopardy using our literary terms vocabulary for the first time.
the rules:
-do not ring your bell in the middle of the deffinition or negative one would be given. (yes, we were given bells except one group because she ran out)
-do not shout out without being called on or negative one would be given.
-if there's a tie when bells are rung, there is going to be a "bake-off" as my teacher called it. baking has nothing to do with it, but a deffinition is said for each team and they each have five seconds to answer.
my teacher put my name on the board to represent our team. jeff didn't think "the wise-guy" should represent our team because i questioned the team. (he was just jealous)

our group a.k.a. quadrant four weren't doing so well in the beginning because of jeff's jumpy trigger fingers. but we turned it around and answered every deffinition correctly. we were soon accused of cheating and dinging our bell too quickly, so the team without a bell took ours. we resorted to clapping. even then we answered all of the deffinitions correctly. then, we were accused of clapping too loudly. no matter what we still couldn't please them. also, we kept getting yelled at from the other teams because we simply pointed out to the teacher when other teams "accendently" hit their bell. hey, we didn't make the rules, we just inforced them.

we ended up winning. here are the scores:
traun-4, jordan-2, chloe-21!!!, kyle-0, kayla-7
yes, 21 points was the correct score. we DOMINATED! i think everyone hated us after that, but we couldn't help it if we know our vocabulary and can clap loudly.

the rest of my school day was uneventful, but not as bad of day as i originally thought. it was actually a peaceful school day that didn't involve childish drama typically associated with high school and annoying teachers who aren't as great as they think.
the day got even better when my dad a.k.a papa bear let me drive to taco bell (a rarity) and get two delicious bean burritoes. oh, how i love those bean burritoes.

jacky, that was all for you. enjoy=)

1 comment:

The Confetti Monster said...

go wise guy of quadrant four!
my goodness, woman, i LOVE this post--it is so hilarious and you are so clever.
please, keep writing.
i love it and i love you.