Friday, January 30, 2009

love never fails

sometimes i feel as if the world is getting to me.
you know, the "celebrity obsessed-more is always better-money loving" world, where the person with the coolest clothes is better than the person with the good heart. where the girl with the most boyfriends is more popular than the girl with the most love within her. why do i let this "world" get to me?


i should be worried about my relationship with God, or how to better the world, not if i'm the prettiest girl in my class or the girl all the guys want to be around.
i think i'm just realizing this now because i watched Pay It Forward in english class today. yes, i've already seen this movie (probably more than twice), but i never watched with this new found love in my heart. i guess now that i'm closer with God, i'm noticing the way i treat people and my judgements of them. i'm realizing with a little hope and love you can make a big impact and somtimes the simple gestures are the biggest deals. the help is within us all. all we have to do is reach a little within us.

i'm not judging anymore, i'm not making opinions of people at first glance. because when i do make those judgements and opinoins, i'm no better than the "world," maybe even worse because i'm a christian. i can't keep doing that. i want to change, no, i need to change. i'm ready to let go of superficial worries, and grab on to...well, love. because God truly equals love.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

1 comment:

the art of being ______ said...

this is so true. I have a problem with this too-- I judge EVERYONE at either first glance or the first time they say what they love, & yet I do not want to be judged for any of that; I don't want to be judged at first glance, & I certainly don't want to be disliked for the things I love.

but maybe the solution isn't as extreme as not trying to judge ANYONE (because we will always do that, even a little)-- maybe the solution is that, when we meet someone or see someone, we consciously force our minds to think POSITIVE judgments about them.

like, if I meet/see a girl & think a negative thought, I should be aware of this & replace it with something positive. try to notice the beautiful aspects of her, even if it's just external; try to find something about her that is unique or wipes out the initial negativity. you know?

thank you for your thoughts, chlo. :)